The Politics of Chinese Investment in Africa under Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Project

Andika Raka Dianjaya


BRI project will be held by China to connect countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa through Maritime Silk Road and Land Silk Road. This project will accelerate the economy between countries that joined with this project. Africa as the potential partner have abundant resources energy that China require to maintain their position as the largest industrial producer in the world. China offering investment total of $ 60 billion to Africa and pledge to assist them to build infrastructure, technology, agriculture and any project that Africa need to develop their countries so they can compete in this globalization revolution industrial era. On this paper, we will analyze China position with their BRI project in Africa using Political Economy Approach by Weingast & Wittman and why China willingly to give investment total of $ 60 billion to Africa which is some Africa countries maybe can’t pay back their loans. Is this will become a risk investment for China itself in the future?.


Belt Road Initiative; Investment; China; Africa; Development Assistance; Debt Trap

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