Peran Teknologi Informasi Untuk Meningkatkan Keamanan Pengobatan Di Rumahsakit

Rizaldy Pinzon (Unit Epidemiologi Klinik dan Biostatistik FK UGM)


Medicine and the process of health care have always put patients at risk. The goal of patient safety is to reduce the risk of injury or harm to patients from the structure and process of care. Medication error is a major risk for hospitalized patients. Adverse drug events occur often in hospitals. Medical Information technology can be designed to improve the process and outcome of clinical decision-making. They can be prevented to a large extent by minimizing the human errors of prescription writing. The CPOE system has prevented and alerted the prescriber and pharmacist to dosage errors and allergies. Involvement of the pharmacist in reviewing the prescription and alerting the physician has minimized prescription errors to a great degree. Previous studies showed the potential role of information technology for preventing medication errors.

Key words : medication error-information technology-computerized ordering system 

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